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  • Wrap Around Care Now Available at Fremington Primary School

    Published 12/09/24

    To book, log onto your MCAS app and click on Wrap Around Care.

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  • Year 5 – Parent Showcase

    Published 18/10/24

    On Wednesday, Leopards and Panthers classes invited parents and carers in to look at what they had been learning in Art. They were looking at Typography, which is the different styles of font, and how these can be used to create interesting pieces of work.

    The children were going to create a map as a self-portrait and include parts of their lives, their hobbies; details about their family life and their favourite things.  The parents all got stuck in and helped the children with their maps of their lives.  It was a very creative afternoon. We can’t wait to see their finished products.

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  • Year 4 Eggshell Teeth Experiment

    Published 14/10/24

    This half-term in Year 4 we have been learning about teeth and the way sugar affects the enamel and the damage it can do if it is not brushed. We left eggs to soak in different liquids for a week and analysed the results. Sammy (a dental hygienist) also came in to explain how to brush our teeth properly as well as adding to our knowledge of hidden sugars in certain foods. After these few lessons, we are certainly going to be brushing our teeth twice a day!

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  • Year 3 Cave Drawings

    Published 14/10/24

    Y3 have been looking at Cave Drawings in Art, which links nicely to our new English book 'The First Drawing.' The children had an immersive experience which allowed them an insight into how drawing in the dark must have felt. We sat around the fire and used charcoal to replicate Stone Age Artwork that we had learnt about. 

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  • This Week's Story Club - Oi Frog!

    Published 26/09/24

    This Week's Story Club 

     Oi Frog! 

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  • Being inspired by our environment.

    Published 20/09/24

    Hedgehogs looked at the artwork of sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and began to think about how we could be inspired to create our own art work using things we find in our environment. We visited our forest schools area and worked in teams to collect materials and produce patterns and pictures with the natural resources we found. The results look amazing! 

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  • Year 5 DT Project

    Published 24/07/24

    Year 5 have had wonderful fun creating their own fairground rides for their DT project this term.  We researched rides over the years, surveyed what people enjoyed and discovered the mechanisms that make them work.  Using this knowledge we were able to use levers and pulleys to make rides that go up and down or round and round and make them look enticingly exciting for any keen adrenaline seeker!

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  • Year 3 Design Technology

    Published 24/07/24

    In Year 3 DT, we looked at preparing and making a healthy sandwich. We learnt new cutting methods and had a go at grating. It was delicious!

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  • Music at Fremington!

    Published 19/07/24

    On Monday, we were visited by Sarah Steed (North Devon Instrument Services) who told the children all about the music lessons that take place here at Fremington Primary School. We were then treated to some wonderful recitals from students from Y2 up to Y6. They showed confidence, skill and pride. Sarah finished the assembly with a rendition of the Harry Potter theme tune on the flute and Pink Panther on the saxophone! Wonderful! Please see this week's newsletter for information about lessons taking place next year, should you want your child to take up an instrument. 

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  • The Great Barrier Reef

    Published 12/07/24

    Continuing on with our 'Australia' topic, this week Reception have been learning all about the Great Barrier Reef and what makes it so special. We have been looking and learning about all the sea creatures which make it their home!

    Look at our fantastic reef which we made out of egg boxes. Well done Reception you have worked super hard this week!!!

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  • Mix Festival

    Published 12/07/24

    Forty of our fabulous choir members embarked upon a fantastic Musical journey to the ‘Mix Festival’ late last week. Despite the weather, both children and staff had a wonderful time engaging in a range of fun musical activities alongside many other schools from across the county. Some of the activities involved Ceilidh dancing, Taiko drumming, and even a chance to appear on local radio! The trip was so popular that children have already been asking about this next year too!

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  • London Residential By Skylar-Rea

    Published 05/07/24

    First on the Monday we went on the coach to the Natural History Museum. When we got in there, there was a big skeleton of a mammoth blue whale hanging from the tall ceiling above our heads. In another room there was this big - and I mean BIG - blue whale but not a skeleton of it this time; it was a massive sculpture of it - bigger than a boat.  

    Then we got shown to our rooms in the hostel in which we were staying. 

    On the Tuesday, we went to the Science Museum. We went to the earthquake simulator, and we stood in the shop and then the floor shook to make it feel like it was a real earthquake. Then after the science museum we went to the Tower of London where Anne Boleyn was beheaded and saw some of the History of London and England. 

    Still on the Tuesday after the Tower of London we went on a boat trip to the London eye; the London eye was fun, and we got to see the beautiful view up above. After the London eye, we went to a west end show to watch Matilda the Musical. It was amazing my favourite character was Ms Trunchbull. The bit that surprised me was how Ms Trunchbull flung the kid by her hair. 

    On the last day, on Wednesday, we went to the Harry potter Studios - it was so fun. We got to go on to the train and into the great hall. I had the best time there. There was this dragon that ran towards us, and it was scary and it blew fire. After that, we could not see it. Still in the Harry Potter Studios we were allowed to go into the forest where the spiders were, and the spiders jumped down and up. Also, in the big cave laid Aragog the mother of all spiders. 

    After that, we got in the coach and got back at 9:30. We had an incredible time on residential and seeing the sights of London.


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