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Teaching children to read accurately, fluently and with enjoyment is central to providing a quality and successful education. Reading is at the heart of all learning at Fremington Primary School and is valued and celebrated across the school. 

In KS2, the children continue to take part in daily reading sessions through whole class guided reading. These sessions focus on developing the children’s comprehension through guided and independent activities as well as fostering a love of reading. As well as using texts taken from our Reading Spine, the children also read and respond to extracts of texts linked to our wider curriculum, special days and relevant news events. 

From year 2 onwards, children's knowledge and understanding are assessed through use of NfER standardised reading assessments. Gaps in learning are identified to enable teachers to support children to keep up with the appropriate learning.

We believe that children who read for pleasure are motivated to read regularly. Therefore, all children can visit the school library to choose their own books which can be read independently or shared with an adult at home. These books help children to develop a lifelong love of reading. We encourage children to explore equality stories, poems and non-fiction by sharing these within class and reading assemblies. These books are carefully chosen by staff to promote a love of reading or to link to class learning.

​Children requiring additional support to learn to read confidently and fluently will have extra 1:1 or small group interventions.  Little Wandle Rapid Keep Up is in place to support reading development for older children alongside decodable texts suitable for their age and interest level.